Cheryl Opie

Civil Celebrant

“How do you spell love, Winnie the Pooh?”
“Piglet, you don’t spell it, you feel it.”

Congratulations, you are getting married!
What an incredibly exciting time in your lives!

The wedding ceremony is one of the most special and precious days of your life and the beginning of a new life together with your partner to celebrate in the presence of those closest to you.

Together we can co-create and design a personalised ceremony that reflects your personality and the true love, devotion, passion and commitment you have for each other.

Together we can plan your wedding with colour, flavour, warmth, playfulness, artistic style and magic.

You can personalise your own Vows and Promises, but there are also a plethora of readings, vows, promises, rituals and resources to choose from, that I can help guide you through with a sense of calm and ease.

You will have peace of mind in knowing all the legal paperwork is in order.

Be open to love,
and love will find you.
Be open to love,
and love is with you.

Our Pricing

  • Price on Application for Wedding

What we provide

~ Meeting for NOIM Signing, Planning and Designing.
~ Personally written ceremony.
~ Unlimited correspondence via email, mobile or zoom meetings.
~ All legal paperwork taken care of.
~ Venue rehearsal.
~ Booklet for lasting memories of your very special day.
~ Wedding information pack.

Legal requirements

Once the decision to marry has been made, there are legal formalities that you must do to comply with ”The Marriage Act of 1961”

  • You must sign and lodge with me a ”Notice of Intention to Marry” (NOIM) a minimum of one month and one day prior to your wedding date and no longer than 18 months in advance of the wedding.
  • You will need: Birth Certificate. Passport. Translators (if needed)
  • You must be over 18 years of age to marry in Australia.
  • If born in Australia must show your birth certificate in English. If born outside of Australia, you are required to show your birth certificate or passport from your country of birth.
  • If you have been previously married you will need to produce your Divorce Decree Absolute papers.
  • If your spouses are deceased you must produce the Death Certificates.
  • On the day of your marriage you will need 2 witnesses over the age of 18 who are able to understand English.
  • If one partner or witness cannot speak English you are required to have an Accredited Interpreter. (NAATI)
  • The Monitum, are legal words that must be said.